Why setuptools does not matter to me

It is that time of the year where packaging questions resurface in the open (on python-dev and by Armin)

Armin wrote an article on why he loves setuptools, and one of the main takeaway of his text is that one should not replace X with Y without understanding why X was created in the first place. There is another takeaway, though: none of the features Armin mentioned matters much to me. This is not to say they are not important: given the success of setuptools or pip, it would be stupid not to recognize they fulfill an important gap for a lot of people.

About tradeoffs

But while those solutions provide a useful set of features, it is important to realize what they prevent as well. Nick touches this topic a bit on python-dev, but I mean something a bit different here. Some examples:

  • First, the way setuptools install eggs by adding things to sys.path caused a lot of additional stat on the filesystem. In the scientific community (and in corporate environments as well), people often have to use NFS. This can cause import speed to take a lot of time (above 1 minute is not unheard of).
  • Setuptools monkey patches distutils. This has a serious consequence for people who have their own distutils extensions, since you essentially have to deal with two code paths for anything that setuptools monkey patches.

As mentioned by Armin, setuptools had to do the the things it did to support multi-versioning. But this means that it has a significant cost for people who do not care about having multiple versions of the same package. This matters less today than it used to, though, thanks for virtual env, and pip that installs things as non-eggs.

Similar argument can be made about monkey-patching: distutils is not designed to be extensible, especially because of how commands are tightly coupled together. You effectively can NOT extend distutils without monkey-patching it significantly.

Hackable solutions

A couple of years ago, I decided that I could not put up with numpy.distutils extensions and the aforementioned distutils issues anymore. I started working on Bento sometimes around fall 2009, with the intend to bootstrap it by reusing the low-level distutils code, and getting rid of commands and distribution. I also wanted to experiment with simpler solutions to some more questionable setuptools designs such as data resource with pkg_resources.

I think hackable solutions are the key to help people solving packaging solution(s). There is no solution that will work for everyone, because the usecases are so different and clash with each other. Personally, having a system that works like apt-get (reliable and fast metadata search, reliable install/uninstall, etc…) is the holy grail, but I understand that that’s not what other people are after.

What matters the most is to only put in the stdlib what is uncontroversial and battle-tested in the wild. Tarek’s and the rest of the packaging team efforts to specify and write PEP around the metadata are a very good step in that direction. The PEP for metadata works well because it essentially specify things that have been used succesfully (and relatively uncontroversial).

But an elusive PEP around compilers as has been suggested is not that interesting IMO: I could write something to point every API issues with how compilation work in distutils, but that sounds pointless without a proposal for a better system. And I don’t want to design a better system, I want to be able to use one (waf, scons, fbuilt, gyp, whatever). Writing bento is my way of discovering a good design to do just that.

3 thoughts on “Why setuptools does not matter to me

  1. Right, but that’s why I think RPM has already shown us the way: their hooks system is simply inline snippets of shell script. Since we need something cross platform, we’d want to use Python instead, but the general idea seems sound. Rather than building complexity into the packaging system, anything more complicated could be handled through existing templating tools.

    However, I think the right decision was made in dropping packaging from 3.3, and I’m also planning on further exploring this space in the hope that we can get something usable back into the standard library in time for 3.4 (if nothing else, we should at least have the versioning and installation metadata in place by then).

    • While I agree with the general idea of handling complexity outside the packaging tools proper, I think we can do better/more than RPM. We should allow for arbitrary complexity, but also believe we can have enough features to cover most simple cases completely in the package description. Did you take a look at Cabal, from Haskell ?

      Having a system that requires no hook for 90 % of the packages out there is critical to bootstrap whatever new library would be designed.

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