Yaku, a simple python build system for toydist

[EDIT] Of course, just after having written this post, I came across two
interesting projects: mem and fbuild. That’s what I get for not
having Internet for weeks now … Both projects are based on memoization
instead of a dependency graph, and seem quite advanced feature-wise.
Unfortunately, fbuild requires python 3.1. Maybe mem would do. If so, consider
yaku dead[/EDIT]

While working on toydist, I was considering re-using distutils ability to build
C code at first, with the idea that people would use waf/scons/etc… if they
have involved compilation needs. But distutils is so horrendous that I realized
that implementing something significantly better and simpler would be possible.
After a few hours of coding, I had something which could build extensions on a
few platforms: yaku (“bake” in Japanese).

Yaku main design goal is simplicity: I don’t want the core code to be more than
~ 1000 LOC. Fortunately, this is more than enough to create something
significantly better than distutils. The current codebase is strongly inspired
by waf (and scons to some extent), and has the following features:

  • Task-based: a yaku task is like a rule in make, with a list of
    targets, dependencies, and a list of executable commands
  • Each task knows about its environment (e.g. flags for C compilation),
    and environment changes as well as dependencies changes trigger a
    task (re)-execution
  • Extension through callback: adding support for new source files
    (cython, swig, fortran, etc…) requires neither monkey patching or
    inheritence. This is one of my biggest grip with distutils
  • Primitive autoconf-like features to check for header, libraries, etc…

Besides polishing the API, I intend to add the following features:

  • Parallel build
  • Automatically find header dependencies for C/C++ code (through
    scannning sources)

I want to emphasize that yaku is not meant as a replacement for a real build
tool. To keep it simple, yaku has no abstraction of the filesystem (node
concept in scons and waf), which has serious impact on the reliability and
power as a build tool. The graph of dependencies is also built in one shot, and
cannot be changed dynamically (so yaku won’t ever be able to detect dependency
on generated code, for example foo.c which depends on foo.h generated from

Nevertheless, I believe yaku’s features are significant enough to warrant the
project. If the project takes off, it may be possible to integrate yaku within
the Distribute project, for example, whereas integrating waf or scons is out of
the question.